- Enable scientific and technological breakthroughs
- Greatly reduce energy requirements of national computing infrastructure
- Develop and demonstrate superconductor electronics (SCE) and superconductive computing technology
- Innovate in technology, circuit design, and architectures with targeted application studies and system demonstrations
- Create and promote inclusive culture through education, outreach, equity, and diversity
Why SCE?
Three families of superconductive logic
RSFQ = Rapid Single Flux Quantum
Energy-efficient SFQ = Energy-efficient Single Flux Quantum
AQFP = Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron
Comparing energy-efficient SFQ and AQFP against CMOS (including cryogenic cooling)
Why NOW?
- Dramatic rise of compute-intensive applications
- Need for energy-efficient computing
- Availability of advanced SCE design tools and fabrication capabilities
- DISCoVER poised to mitigate prior memory and scaling issues
- DISCoVER enables sustained US dominance in computing technology
Massoud Pedram
University of Southern California
Eby G. Friedman
Associate Director and Thrust Leader (Circuits and Architecture)
University of Rochester
Murali Annavaram
Thrust Leader (SuperSoCC Design)
University of Southern California
Grace Xing
Thrust Leader (Devices and Materials)
Cornell University
Yanzhi Wang
Thrust Leader (Business and Socioeconomic Impacts)
Northeastern University
Michael Hamilton
Thrust Leader (Integration and Interfaces)
Auburn University
Ivan Petrovich Nevirkovets
Northwestern University
Julia Albright
University of Southern California
Mark Bocko
University of Rochester
Nobuyuki Yoshikawa
Yokohama National University
Christopher Ayala
Yokohama National University
Oleg Mukhanov
SeeQC Inc.
Selcuk Kose
University of Rochester
Sasan Razmkhah
University of Southern California
Roman Sobolewski
University of Rochester
Timothy Pinkston
University of Southern California
Darin Gray
University of Southern California